In episode 4 of From Struggle to Militant: A Revolutionary Story, We interview Erika Hidalgo. Erika is an organizer and Steering Committee member of the San Francisco Bay Area branch of the PSL. Born and raised in San Francisco in a Mexican/ Salvadoran immigrant family, she is passionate about struggling for immigrants rights and housing, and fighting against police violence and imperialism. As a writer, Erika likes to tell stories about her family, the experiences of women, and memories of war in Spanish and English.
A selection of Erika’s speeches:
- Prop 10 action
- Close the Camps/ Sept 16 action (Her speech begins at 1:00 mark)
- Women’s Equality Day speakout (in Spanish, 38:00-38:20 mark)
A Selection of Erika’s articles:
- Liberation News: ‘Progressive’ and unaffordable San Francisco hates on homeless people // Un San Francisco “progresista” e inasequible odia a las personas sin hogar
- Liberation News: Muslim ban returns, people power more necessary than ever
- Breaking the Chains: Williana Burroughs: Communist Housing Organizer