Socialist, feminist, activist, Marxist, artistic. Breaking the Chains magazine is ALL of that!

Every person who works on the magazine is a full-time or retired worker or student. We are all activists and organizers in our communities. We are revolutionaries, members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. We are people from a broad spectrum of nationalities, LGBTQ and other oppressed communities. We are mothers and daughters and nieces supporting our families and our communities in a myriad of ways.

The women of the Party for Socialism and Liberation have: 

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Check out our newest issue: Vote Socialist 2024!

Many of us feel disengaged from the election in the United States because the issues that matter to us aren’t really addressed. Women in this country are seeing our rights eroded and living conditions deteriorate, while politicians don’t do anything but send our tax money to war and occupation. Capitalist life is unlivable; the crisis in the U.S. political system is deepening and becoming more apparent. The primary capitalist candidates promote war, xenophobia, and the interest of the rich. The extent of our involvement is just choosing between two shades of uselessness. Claudia and Karina are two working-class women running for President and Vice President of the United States in 2024 on the issues that matter to working-class people. They present a vision for a country that serves our needs.  

This issue of Breaking the Chains asks: Why do socialist feminists engage in bourgeois elections when we know revolution is necessary for liberation? How do we fight for reforms within a bourgeois democracy while building strong democratic organizations? And how do we utilize the lessons from women revolutionaries around the world who related in different ways to bourgeois elections, the building of mass democratic organizations, and the building of socialist societies? 

This issue includes:

  • Marxist analysis: Why working women will lead the fight for a new society
  • Historical Moment: Occoquan Night of Terror
  • Interview with Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia 
  • Art, illustrations, and more!

History of Women's Struggle

Assata Shakur: The making of a revolutionary woman
Alexandra Kollontai: The struggle for proletarian feminism and for women in the party
100 Years of Universal Suffrage, a history of struggle
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She Who Struggles

She Who Struggles: Agnes Smedley
She Who Struggles: Ernestine Eckstein
She Who Struggles: Hazel M. Johnson
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From Struggle to Militant

From Struggle to Militant: A Revolutionary Story Ep. 10 Rosa Astra
From Struggle to Militant: A Revolutionary Story Ep. 9 Kerbie Joseph
From Struggle to Militant: A Revolutionary Story Ep. 9 Kerbie Joseph
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