The Women’s Health Protection Act was passed in the House of Representatives on September 24, 2021. Now it is time to demand your senator to vote YES on the Women’s Health Protection act by flooding the phone lines on Thursday February 24 and Friday February 25!
- Prepare: have your script ready to demand abortion rights once and for all!
- Contact your Senator: find their information here or the U.S. capitol switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121.
- Call them: identify yourself as their constituent and regardless of their position or party affiliation, and explain the urgency needed to vote YES on the Women’s Health Protection Act. The lives of women are at stake and their vote will impact the lives of many seeking reproductive justice.
Phone Script:
Hi my name is __________________, and I live in ______________. I am calling to ask you to vote YES on the Women’s Health Protection Act on Feb. 28. As your constituent, I urge you to protect abortions rights and expand access to everyone across the country, no matter what state they reside in. Please encourage your colleagues to do the same. We cannot allow women’s rights to be undermined by state challenges to Roe v. Wade. Abortion is a fundamental women’s right now more than ever, we need the Women’s Health Protections Act to enshrine abortion as a federal right for women to have social, political, and economic autonomy over our lives.
It’s time that the Senate act and pass this legislation to protect and advance abortion <access>for everyone across the United States.
Thank you for your time!
Senator Phone Number List:
Richard Shelby
(R-AL)(202) 224-5744
Tommy Tuberville
(R-AL)(202) 224-4124
Lisa Murkowski
(R-AK)(202) 224-6665
Dan Sullivan
(R-AK)(202) 224-3004
Mark Kelly
Kyrsten Sinema
(D-AZ)(202) 224-4521
John Boozman
(R-AR)(202) 224-4843
Tom Cotton
(R-AR)(202) 224-2353
Dianne Feinstein
(D-CA)(202) 224-3841
Alex Padilla
(D-CA)(202) 224-3553
Michael Bennet
(D-CO)(202) 224-5852
John Hickenlooper
(D-CO)(202) 224-5941
Richard Blumenthal
(D-CT)(202) 224-2823
Chris Murphy
(D-CT)(202) 224-4041
Tom Carper
(D-DE)(202) 224-2441
Chris Coons
(D-DE)(202) 224-5042
Marco Rubio
(R-FL)(202) 224-3041
Rick Scott
(R-FL)(202) 224-5274
Jon Ossoff
(D-GA)(202) 224-3521
Raphael Warnock
(D-GA)(202) 224-3643
Mazie Hirono
(D-HI)(202) 224-6361
Brian Schatz
(D-HI)(202) 224-3934
Mike Crapo
(R-ID)(202) 224-6142
Jim Risch
(R-ID)(202) 224-2752
Tammy Duckworth
(D-IL)(202) 224-2854
Dick Durbin
(D-IL)(202) 224-2152
Mike Braun
(R-IN)(202) 224-4814
Todd Young
(R-IN)(202) 224-5623
Joni Ernst
(R-IA)(202) 224-3254
Chuck Grassley
(R-IA)(202) 224-3744
Roger Marshall
(R-KS)(202) 224-4774
Jerry Moran
(R-KS)(202) 224-6521
Mitch McConnell
(R-KY)(202) 224-2541
Rand Paul
(R-KY)(202) 224-4343
Bill Cassidy
(R-LA)(202) 224-5824
John Kennedy
(R-LA)(202) 224-4623
Susan Collins
(R-ME)(202) 224-2523
Angus King
(I-ME)(202) 224-5344
Ben Cardin
(D-MD)(202) 224-4524
Chris Van Hollen
(D-MD)(202) 224-4654
Ed Markey
(D-MA)(202) 224-2742
Elizabeth Warren
(D-MA)(202) 224-4543
Gary Peters
(D-MI)(202) 224-6221
Debbie Stabenow
(D-MI)(202) 224-4822
Amy Klobuchar
(D-MN)(202) 224-3244
Tina Smith
(D-MN)(202) 224-5641
Cindy Hyde-Smith
(R-MS)(202) 224-5054
Roger Wicker
(R-MS)(202) 224-6253
Roy Blunt
(R-MO)(202) 224-5721
Josh Hawley
(R-MO)(202) 224-6154
Steve Daines
(R-MT)(202) 224-2651
Jon Tester
(D-MT)(202) 224-2644
Deb Fischer
(R-NE)(202) 224-6551
Ben Sasse
(R-NE)(202) 224-4224
Catherine Cortez Masto
(D-NV)(202) 224-3542
Jacky Rosen
(D-NV)(202) 224-6244
Maggie Hassan
(D-NH)(202) 224-3324
Jeanne Shaheen
(D-NH)(202) 224-2841
Cory Booker
(D-NJ)(202) 224-3224
Bob Menendez
(D-NJ)(202) 224-4744
Martin Heinrich
(D-NM)(202) 224-5521
Ben Luján
(D-NM)(202) 224-6621
Kirsten Gillibrand
(D-NY)(202) 224-4451
Chuck Schumer
(D-NY)(202) 224-6542
Richard Burr
(R-NC)(202) 224-3154
Thom Tillis
(R-NC)(202) 224-6342
Kevin Cramer
(R-ND)(202) 224-2043
John Hoeven
(R-ND)(202) 224-2551
Sherrod Brown
(D-OH)(202) 224-2315
Rob Portman
(R-OH)(202) 224-3353
Jim Inhofe
(R-OK)(202) 224-4721
James Lankford
(R-OK)(202) 224-5754
Jeff Merkley
(D-OR)(202) 224-3753
Ron Wyden
(D-OR)(202) 224-5244
Bob Casey
(D-PA)(202) 224-6324
Pat Toomey
(R-PA)(202) 224-4254
Jack Reed
(D-RI)(202) 224-4642
Sheldon Whitehouse
(D-RI)(202) 224-2921
Lindsey Graham
(R-SC)(202) 224-5972
Tim Scott
(R-SC)(202) 224-6121
Mike Rounds
(R-SD)(202) 224-5842
John Thune
(R-SD)(202) 224-2321
Marsha Blackburn
(R-TN)(202) 224-3344
Bill Hagerty
(R-TN)(202) 224-4944
John Cornyn
(R-TX)(202) 224-2934
Ted Cruz
(R-TX)(202) 224-5922
Mike Lee
(R-UT)(202) 224-5444
Mitt Romney
(R-UT)(202) 224-5251
Patrick Leahy
(D-VT)(202) 224-4242
Bernie Sanders
(I-VT)(202) 224-5141
Tim Kaine
(D-VA)(202) 224-4024
Mark Warner
(D-VA)(202) 224-2023
Maria Cantwell
(D-WA)(202) 224-3441
Patty Murray
(D-WA)(202) 224-2621
Shelley Moore Capito
(R-WV)(202) 224-6472
Joe Manchin
(D-WV)(202) 224-3954
Tammy Baldwin
(D-WI)(202) 224-5653
Ron Johnson
(R-WI)(202) 224-5323
John Barrasso
(R-WY)(202) 224-6441
Cynthia Lummis
(R-WY)(202) 224-3424